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Nurse Life Care Planning

What is a Nurse Life Care Planner?

A Nurse Life Care Planner creates Life Care Plans for individuals who have sustained injuries or have chronic conditions that contribute to physical, functional, and/or cognitive limitations, and who require complex long-term care.


When preparing a life care plan a Nurse Life Care Planner uses the Nursing Process, which as outlined by The American Nurses Association (ANA) includes: assessment, diagnosis, outcomes/planning, implementation, and evaluation.  Using this process and in collaboration with other members of the healthcare team such as physicians, a report is created that will consist of an organized plan that estimates the reasonable, and necessary future healthcare needs and associated costs.


In this specialty, nurses take an intensive training course to gain certification as a Nurse Life Care Planner and utilize their knowledge, education, and experience when creating a plan for a patient.  Nurse Life Care Planners are also trained on how to determine the usual, reasonable, and customary cost of services through their access to resources and conducting research.

Sherman Consulting, LLC assists medical malpractice and medical-legal attorneys with providing high-quality expert witness RNs and APRNs.  Our seasoned team provides you with experienced, skilled, clinically active nurses to review medical records, write life care plans, and testify on standards of care required for the injury sustained by your client.


We carefully intake the details of your case to ensure we procure the best qualified and suitable nurse to review your case and provide a verbal or written expert report. Each case is overseen by a project manager to ensure timelines are met, communications are clear, and invoicing takes place monthly.


A Life Care Plan can include the following depending on the needs of the patient:

Medical Care

Home Care Nursing

Occupational, Physical and Speech Therapy


Medical equipment and supplies

Skilled nursing facility care

Adaptive transport vehicles

Home Renovations


For more information on how our team of nurses can help your case, please contact us at or call 

+1 (670) 433-2664 for more information.

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